2016年3月31日 星期四

A Google computer victorious over the world's 'Go' champion

In the ultimate battle of man versus machine, humans are running a close second.

On Saturday, a Google (GOOG) computer clocked its third consecutive victory over Lee Se-dol, the long-reigning global champion of the world's most complex board game. That win makes the machine the clear winner in a best-of-five series.
The achievements of the Google DeepMind computer, AlphaGo, are considered a significant advancement in artificial intelligence.
"To be honest, we are a bit stunned," said Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, after AlphaGo's third win. "We came here to challenge Lee Se-dol, as we wanted to learn from him and see what AlphaGo was capable of."
Since Wednesday, Lee and AlphaGo have been engaged in these high stakes games in Seoul. But AlphaGo has consistently won each of the games played thus far.
Lee, who looked a bit glum, said he wasn't "sure what to say."
"I feel kind of powerless," he said to reporters. "Even if I were to go back and redo the first game, I think that I wouldn't have been able to win, because at the time, I misjudged the capabilities of AlphaGo."
Even though the computer is now the clear winner out of the full match, there are two more games to be played in the coming days -- one Sunday, and the last on Tuesday.
Lee, who holds the highest possible professional ranking for a Go player and has been called "the Roger Federer of Go," asked the public to continue to follow the remaining games.
Go originated thousands of years ago in China. During play, two opponents take turns placing black and white stones on a square grid of 19 lines by 19 lines. The goal is to take territorial control of the board by using pieces to surround those of the other player.
Games can last for hours, and winning requires immense mental stamina, intuition and strategy.
Teaching computers to master Go has been a kind of holy grail for artificial intelligence scientists. There are more possible configurations of the board than atoms in the universe, according to Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, which developed AlphaGo.
"Go is the most profound game that mankind has ever devised," Hassabis said, before the games against Lee started. "Go is a game primarily about intuition and feel, rather than brute calculation, which is what makes it so hard for computers to play well."
Last October, AlphaGo convincingly defeated the European Go champion, Fan Hui, obliterating him in five consecutive games. The computer's victory was considered a huge breakthrough, occurring roughly a decade sooner than experts had expected.
Software programs long ago became adept at classic board games like backgammon. Their rapid progress culminated in the historic victory of IBM's Deep Blue computer over world chess champion Gary Kasparov in 1997.
But it has taken another two decades for artificial intelligence to get to grips with the mind-boggling complexities of Go. Until recently, software programs could only compete with human amateurs.
Google researchers say they expect AlphaGo's technology will be put to use in the company's own apps, and in areas such as medicine.
Google acquired DeepMind in 2014 to bolster its portfolio in artificial intelligence and robotics.
AlphaGo's wins are an astonishing success for the world of artificial intelligence, but futurist Dr. Michio Kaku said Friday that its simply a "sophisticated adding machine."
Humans will still ultimately win the war against computers, because of things Kaku, and other futurists such as Ray Kurzweil, say can't be computed -- love, leadership skills, innovation and common sense.
"People who are involved with intellectual capital will be the winners of the future," Kaku said.
who:  Lee Se-dol, AlphaGo
when: no mention
where: no mention
what: Chess competition
why: to show that computer will replace the industry in the future
how: The rapid development of science and technology

2016年3月24日 星期四

Taiwan earthquake: Search ends as death toll reaches 116

Search and rescue operations after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck southern Taiwan ended Saturday as the death toll rose to 116, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported.
The last trapped person was rescued alive on Saturday afternoon, the city's disaster response office said.
A total of 289 people were rescued, 96 people remain in hospital.
Most of the fatalities and injuries came from the collapse of the Weiguan Golden Dragon high-rise tower in Tainan, the response center said.
Aerial images in the immediate aftermath of the temblor showed the Weiguan Golden Dragon tower transformed into rubble. Structures around it remained intact.
    "There are so many other older buildings in Tainan that are still standing. Why was it only this building that was completely destroyed?" asked Wang Xingyou, a city cab driver.
    Three people, all former executives of the company that built the collapsed apartment building, were arrested Tuesday and face charges of professional negligence resulting in death.

    1.magnitude  震幅
    2. rubble  瓦礫
    3.intact  完整
    4.executives  管理人
    5.negligence  疏忽

    who: Taiwanese people, especially Tainan people
    when: February 6th
    what: a 6.4 magnitude earthquake
    where: Tainan
    why: the building was collapsed
    how: no mention

    2016年3月16日 星期三

    Oxford Dictionaries choose an emoji as the word of the year

    For the first time ever, Oxford Dictionaries have chosen an emoji to be their Word of the Year.
    The "face with tears of joy emoji" was this year's winning "word".
    Casper Grathwohl, the President of Oxford Dictionaries, said they chose it because it best represents 2015.
    He said: "Emoji culture has become so popular that individual characters have developed their own trends and stories."
    Other previous winners of word of the year include "selfie", "omnishambles" and "simples".


    1.individual 個人

    who: all of the word
    when: 2015
    what:The Word of the Year.
    why:no mention
    how:no metion

    More than 100 jade hunters killed in landslide at Myanmar mine

    At least 113 people were killed in northern Myanmar when a huge hill of tailing from a jade mine collapsed onto the huts of sleeping workers, according to state-run media.
    Local officials estimate another 30 victims were "buried under the soil."
    The collapse of the roughly 60-meter-high (200-foot-high) mound took place at about 3 a.m. Saturday in Hpakant, in Myanmar's northern state of Kachin, the Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper reported.
    Seventy huts containing sleeping workers were buried in the slide, with only five huts spared, according to the newspaper. The huts had been situated in a ravine between two huge hills of dump soil, it reported.
    The military was working with local residents in rescue and recovery efforts, it reported Monday, warning that many more people remain missing.
      The area produces some of the world's highest quality jade, a nearly translucent green stone that is highly valued in neighboring China.
      Many workers, typically migrants from other parts of the country, eke out a livelihood in the shadow of the mines by sifting through the tailing for leftover jade, the newspaper said.
      Local authorities said they had earlier issued notices telling the workers they could not stay on the site, according to the newspaper.

      1.tailing 拖尾
      2.ravine 山谷
      3.translucent 半透明
      4.authorities  當局

      who: Myanmar workers from a jade mine
      when: no mention
      where: Myanmar 
      how: no mention
      why:a huge hill of tailing from a jade mine collapsed onto the huts of sleeping workers,
      what: At least 113 people were killed in northern Myanmar

      2016年3月3日 星期四

      Toyo Ito's National Taichung Theater on Display

      Toyo Ito at the theater construction site. Displaying architecture in a gallery is always a challenge. This is especially true with a building still under construction. And even more so when that building is Taiwan’s National Taichung Theater—unarguably Tokyo architect Toyo Ito’s most ambitious project to date. Taking Ito’s structural know-how and spatial ingenuity to new limits, this extraordinary complex appears as a rectangular block. But contained within is a spectacular 3D grid of tubular voids hinted at by the hourglass-shaped cutouts that define the elevations. Expanding and contracting, the hollows accommodate the various programmatic pieces, including a 2014-seat theater,


      1.architecture  建築
      2.unarguably  無可爭議
      3.ambitious   有雄心
      4.rectangular  矩形
      5.tubular   管狀的
      6.programmatic  綱領性

      who:Toyo Ito
      when: no mention
      where: Taichung
      why:no mention
      how:contained within is a spectacular 3D grid of tubular voids hinted at by the hourglass-shaped cutouts that define the elevations.

      2016年1月1日 星期五

      Blindfolded Muslim man hugs mourners in Paris

      It's one of many videos to go viral since the deadly terrorist attacks that shocked the world last Friday.
      An unidentified man in Paris -- site of the attacks -- wore a blindfold and held a sign saying, "Do you trust me?" inviting those at Place de la Republique to hug him.
      He said he was a Muslim and stood at the site where many Parisians went to pay their respects to the 129 people lost in the attacks.
      According to reports, hundreds came up to hug him.
        Later he took off his blindfold to reveal his face, thanking the people for hugging him, saying "I am a Muslim, but that doesn't make me a terrorist."
        The video, posted by "In the Now," had nearly 1 million views as of this writing. \

        who: a Muslim man
        when:no mention
        what: hugs mourners
        where:in Paris
        why: to show people he is not a terrorist
        how:no mention

        1.viral 病毒
        2.unidentified 不明
        3.Muslim 穆斯林
        4.reveal 揭示
        5.terrorist 恐怖分子


        2015年12月17日 星期四

        Liquid water exists on Mars, boosting hopes for life there, NASA says

        Potentially life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.
        While the discovery doesn't by itself offer evidence of life on Mars, either past or present, it does boost hopes that the harsh landscape still offers some refuge for microbes to cling to existence.
        "The existence of liquid water, even if it is super salty briny water, gives the possibility that if there's life on Mars, that we have a way to describe how it might survive," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA.

        NASA researchers using an imager aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed the watery flows by looking at light waves returned from seasonal dark streaks on the surface, long suspected to be associated with liquid water.
        The investigation showed the streaks absorb light at specific wavelengths associated with chemicals known to pull water from the Martian atmosphere in a process known as deliquescence, said Georgia Tech doctoral student Lujendra Ojha, who first discovered the streaks while still an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona in 2011.
          The chemicals allow the water to remain liquid at lower temperatures but also help keep it from boiling off in the thin atmosphere of Mars, the researchers said.


          WHAT:The liquid water in MARS
          WHY:To find there are another creature in Mars or not 
          HOW: Use Curiousy to search the surface on MARS

          1.harsh  苛刻
          2.microbes  微生物
          3.briny  海水
          4.administrator  管理員
          5.wavelength  波長
          6.deliquescence  潮解
          7.undergraduate  本科