2015年11月18日 星期三

Myanmar Rohingya migrants trapped without supplies

 A group of 350 migrants from Myanmar have told an activist by phone that they have been stranded at sea without food or water.
The migrants, including 50 women and 84 children, say that many people are now falling ill after the boat crew abandoned them at the weekend.
Indonesia and Malaysia have been turning away migrant boats, and Thailand has launched a crackdown to disrupt people smuggler networks since the discovery of dozens of bodies in abandoned camps along regular trafficking routes.
More than 200 passengers were forced to pay a fee to be allowed to leave the vessels. Five other boats however were reported to have set out regardless of the dangers.
As many as 8,000 migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar are believed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to be stranded at sea.
People smugglers are reportedly refusing to land their boats because they do not want to follow their usual route through Thailand after the government launched a campaign there against them.
 Indonesia said it had turned away a boat carrying hundreds of migrants believed to be from Myanmar and Bangladesh. What has happened to them is not yet known.
A senior Thai official told Reuters news agency on Wednesday that Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia would all continue to turn the boats away.

Who are the Rohingyas?

  • Rohingyas are a distinct, Muslim ethnic group mainly living in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma
  • Thought to be descended from Muslim traders who settled there more than 1,000 years ago
  • Also live in Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan
  • In Myanmar, they are regularly persecuted - subjected to forced labour, have no land rights, and are heavily restricted
  • In Bangladesh many are also desperately poor, with no documents or job prospects

website: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32718238

When: 2015
Where: Bangladesh and Myanmar
Who: Rohingyas
What: Myanmar Rohingya migrants trapped without supplies.
Why: The different religion that no country wants to give a shelter.
How:no given

 Myanmar 緬甸
 migrants 移民
 International Organization for Migration 國際移民組織
 vessel 容器
 Bangladesh 孟加拉國
 agency 機構

3 則留言:

  1. It is certainly tragic. The migrants are pitiful enough to stay on the boat without supplies. They started to do harm to the others. What makes matters worse, no country wanted to give a shelter to them. From this event, many people died. And the government is irresponsible to handle the case.

  2. It's so sad to see this piece of the news. I can't imagine staying on the bout without supplies. However, other countries do not want to settle them, it is understandable. But people are really innocent.

  3. The world sould be more and more care about for this event , and I also think all the race or the people have be equality to treat every religion and respect it .And there
    goverment shoud be serious look at this problem.
